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Ok, I'm going to thoroughly expose my ignorance of all things X & Motif...
I'm taking a class on Motif programming and thought I could use my Linux
machine at home to compile the code...no go, obviously. So I guess I'm
wondering - is Motif thoroughly un-free? I attempted to go to their
website (why would someone call themselves Open Software Foundation yet
sell Motif for such huge fees?) but didn't understand price schedules at
all...so, how the heck does this whole thing work? Also, is lesstif usable
yet or am I stuck compiling on my school's server?

Man was created before woman, obviously as a prototype.  Thus, they
represent an experiment, rather than the crowning achievement of creation.

D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. (jinn@irony.org)
finger jinn@irony.org for PGP public key

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