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Re: Y2K+38 disaster in debian?

In article <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.96.980927144338.13218A-100000@wzab.nasz.dom>,
Wojciech Zabolotny <wzab@ipe.pw.edu.pl> wrote:
>There was a lot of noise about the y2k problem in old COBOL and M$
>applications, but what about the "Y2K+38 disaster" in the POSIX world?
>I was pretty sure that the new libc6 library implements 64 bit time_t,

It's a kernel issue. On 32 bit platforms time_t will probably always be
restricted to 32 bits, but on 64 bits systems such as the alpha time_t
is 64 bits .. and by 2038 I expect everyone to be running at least
a 64 bit machine.

In fact in a few years everyone using the Intel platform will probably
have switched to a mercoed or its successor which is 64 bit.

  "Did I ever tell you about the illusion of free will?"
    -- Sheriff Lucas Buck, ultimate BOFH.

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