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Re: Manpage

*-"Gregory Walther" <pressf1@hotmail.com>
| I installed debian 2.0 and I cannot get the "man" pages to work. 

Hm, can you be more specific? Have you installed the packages
man-db and manpages?

You can check with 'dpkg -s <packagename>' (sustitute
man-db and manpages for <packagename>).

| I asked this same question somewhere else last week. The response I got 
| made me more confused. The respondent said use "groff." OK, what is it 
| and how do I use it.

zcat /usr/man/man1/man.1.gz | nroff -man | less

Substitute /usr/man/man1/man.1.gz with the manfile you want to
look at. They are all under /usr/man/man<some_number>.

The number says what kind of thing it documents.

Eschew obfuscation    (go on; look them both up)
olet@ifi.uio.no   [-: .elOle. :-]   olet@debian.org

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