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Re: ppp automation

Thanks, people, the documentation in /usr/doc/ppp was just what I needed. 

I tried pppconfig, but what I got when I executed it was:

/usr/sbin/pppconfig: mktemp: command not found
/usr/sbin/pppconfig: mktemp: command not found
chmod: too few arguments
Try `chmod --help' for more information.
/usr/sbin/pppconfig: $TempFile: ambiguous redirect
/usr/sbin/pppconfig: $TempFile: ambiguous redirect
/usr/sbin/pppconfig: $TempFile: ambiguous redirect
/usr/sbin/pppconfig: $TempFile: ambiguous redirect
/usr/sbin/pppconfig: .: filename argument required
.: usage: . filename

(the last six lines repeat ad infinitum). 

Is this a bug? mktemp doens't seem to be a valid command. 

I don't have much interest in this script any more as I managed to
configure everything by hand :] 

Andrew Tarr
"We were so close to heaven --- Peter came out and gave us badges, 
proclaiming us `The Nicest of the Damned'" 
-- They Might Be Giants

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