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Re: Clear screen on logout (Re: Terminal Corruption)

Brandon Mitchell wrote:
  >I finally broke down and did this the right way.  Before, I was doing a 
  >trap /usr/bin/clear EXIT
  >in my /etc/profile.  Now I have the characters that are echoed by clear at
  >the top of my /etc/issue and I unlinked my /etc/issue.net from my
  >/etc/issue so that telnet's and other network connections don't have this
  >clear effect, only the virtual terminals.
  >clear >/tmp/clear-chars
  >cat /tmp/clear-chars /etc/issue >/tmp/new-issue
  >rm /etc/issue.net
  >cp /etc/issue /etc/issue.net
  >mv /tmp/new-issue /etc/issue
  >Note, be sure that your boot scripts don't overwrite your /etc/issue.

This is OK if you only use the virtual terminals.  If you have any
VDUs directly connected through serial ports, it will not.  In some cases
(Wyse VDUs for example) receiving unrecognised control characters can
hang the VDU, so that you have to do a power cycle of the VDU to recover it.

If you want to do this and also have VDUs, use the -i option to agetty
in the inittab file for the VDU connections; this will stop agetty from
displaying /etc/issue on VDUs that won't recognise the screen control 

Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver

PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1

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