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HTML in e-mail

First off, no "flame-mail" please.... <grin>

I've got a Linux system here at work that's used for diald/ipmasq access
to the Internet for our LAN.  Anyway, I've written a bunch of Perl scripts
that grep log files and create some reports that are then mailed to
several people on the LAN that have an interest....

Anyway, they've all been happy with those, but now, with the advent of
HTML e-mail, they're now requesting that I rewrite things so that they get
my e-mail reports in HTML format.  i.e. they want the "prettied up".

My question is...  Where do I go for info on how to do this?

Right now, my Perl scripts just build a text file and then use `mail` to
send the file to multiple recipients....  I've looked at HTML e-mail
messages and it's special header info that defines the message as being in
HTML format. So...

How do I send an e-mail message with the new/custom header that defines
the message as being in HTML format.  (Just sending HTML code as the body
of the message doesn't work - I've tried....)

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Kevin Traas

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