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Re: Which Linux should I install?

YEAH! I'm not a UNIX Wizard. I know a litle about TCP/IP networks. I am
just receiveing my books on Linux next week from amazon. I agree that
UNIX can do what NT can do. 

	So. UNIX is NOT for WORKSTATIONS. Is this true?

	If I agree to change every NT and NW host by a UNIX host I will change
too the NetBeui and IPX/SPX protocols by only TCP/IP. Are there TCP
printing services (client and server for Windows) that can work with
Laserjet and DesketJet Printers? Are there NFS (client and server) that
can me easy to configure on Windows? to share a Windows over TCP/IP (a
server is not a big problem because I want people archive important
files in the UNIX servers)?

	If I want today to every user access a new area in the server to read
and write files, and I'm working with Novell or NT I will just set the
login script for each user, or each group of users. What need to be amde
in Linux? Is there "Login scripts" or similars?


Leonardo Ruoso

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