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Am I using it in a wrong manner or is there a bug:

$ sgml2latex -a example.sgml 
SGML-Tools driver version 0.99.7

  driver.pl <format> [options] <infile>
General options:
  --papersize={a4,letter} -s {a4,letter}
ais,french} -l {en,english,english,de,deutsch,german,nl,nederlands,dutch,fr,fra
  --charset={latin,ascii} -c {latin,ascii}
  --style=string -S string
  --tabsize=number -t number
  --verbose -v
  --debug -d

Format: latex2e
  Note that this output format requires LaTeX 2e.

  --output={dvi,tex,ps} -o {dvi,tex,ps}
  --bibtex -b
  --quick -q

Error: Unknown option -a

$  man sgml2latex

SGML2LATEX(1)                                       SGML2LATEX(1)

       sgml2latex  -  create plain text output from a SGML source

       sgml2latex  [-2e]  [-aCdglps]  [-style  s  ]   [-t   n   ]

       sgml2latex  converts  a  SGML source file to LaTeX output,
       using the sgmls(1) parser, and the sgmlsasp(1) translator.
       Using  the  LaTeX output, and the latex(1) text formatter,
       you can then create  DVI  output,  and  PostScript  output
       using  the  dvips(1)  converter.  Output  will  appear  in
       file.tex for LaTeX output, file.dvi  for  DVI  output,  or
       file.ps  for  PostScript output, where file is the name of
       the SGML source file.

       -2e    Uses LaTeX2e instead of LaTeX 2.09

       -a     Uses DIN A4 page layout, default US letter

       -C     Single chapter

       -d     Creates DVI output instead of LaTeX

       -l     Allows use of latin1 (ISO-8859-1) characters in the
              SGML source file, default ASCII only

       -g     Uses german.sty

       -p     Creates PostScript output instead of LaTeX

       -s     Saves all LaTeX temporary files


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