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Re: Sendmail...

Chris <caleishm@ormond.unimelb.edu.au> writes:

> Hi, I was wondering if any sendmail guru's can help with this one....
> I have a gateway machine where all the incoming mail to the network
> arrives.  This machine has some local users (so their mail should stay on
> the gateway), but also must forward any other mail on to another internal
> server for distribution (note that the gateway doesn't know whether a
> particular address is for a valid user on the internal mail server, it
> should just forward on any mail that it can't match itself).

The difficulty is to define, what "it can´t match itself" means.

If it means your first machine is mx host for blub.com and the mail is
directed to the second machine bla.blub.com, everything should happen
automatically via smtp (if you didn´t forbid mail relaying). 

if all mail is directed to blub.com and only some addresses
(eg. foo@blub.com is local, bar@blub.com is for the second), then
intense reading of Costales et.al. "Sendmail" (O`Reilly) is to be
done: You will have to change the rules in such a way, that different
Mail Delivery Agents are choosen based on the first part of the
address (foo or bar), and not on the domain part as usual.   
This can involve writing cryptic rulesets, see sendmail.cf.

Maybe you can use some of the features of the new m4 configuration



Jens.Ritter@weh.rwth-aachen.de   grimaldi@debian.org
Key ID: 2048/E451C639 Jens Ritter
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