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Re: Seagate Baraccuda drives and Adapetc AHA1460 controller prob.

>>>>> "Bill" == Bill Leach <bleach@bellsouth.net> writes:

Thanks for the suggestions...

    Bill> Stephen, has cfdisk complained after the first time you set
    Bill> up the drive (the first time would have been ok since there
    Bill> was not a DOS/PC sort of partition table on the drive)?

That's correct.  After I wrote the PC/DOS partition, cfdisk has not
complained again.

    Bill> I am 'just clutching at straws here' but in the past there
    Bill> have been some drives that 'lie' to the SCSI bus about their
    Bill> capability during the scsi inquire.  Some of these things
    Bill> typically 'hang' the scsi bus (requiring a time out/reset)
    Bill> but others could be 'partially implemented' or at least
    Bill> implemented in such a manner that the driver/interface can
    Bill> not handle.  I would suggest disabling
    Bill> 'disconnect/reconnect' or 'Synchronous SCSI' and see if that
    Bill> helps.

I'll try disabling both of these & see how things go.  Are either of these
likely to cause intermittent access problems?  Given that running badblocks
doesn't produce any kernel error messages, it occurs to me that this
could be a disconnect/reconnect issue.  'Synchronous SCSI' is disabled when
the driver is loaded; I don't think it should be re-enabling itself later.

    Bill> Also, another problem that I have experienced on other
    Bill> machines is that there were some disagreements as to exactly
    Bill> what the standard meant in determining the size of the scsi
    Bill> inquire response message and depending up just exactly how
    Bill> both the drive and the scsi driver software handled this
    Bill> matter it was possible for the driver to mix some drive
    Bill> specifications in a multi-drive situation (please recognize
    Bill> that this is a problem that can involve the scsi interface
    Bill> ROM as well as say the Linux drivers).

That can't be the problem here; this is the only SCSI drive/controller
I have.

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