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Checking mail from several ISPs

Hi all,

I have set up a Debian system to allow several computers to utilise the one
internet modem line using  IP masquerade, and would like to get linux to
check several email accounts at different ISPs, and route them to a
mailbox, for the relevant win95 desktop to pick them up automatically, at
say 10 minute intervals, while online.

There are several email addresses going to several desktops, but there are
no repeated email addresses.

   	collected mail for     abc@isp1.com ---->   postbox for machine A
   	collected mail for     def@isp2.com ----> postbox for machine A
   	collected mail for     ghi@isp3.com ---> postbox for machine B

Then the individual machines pick up their mail from the respective

Linux is on a dial up connection so the IP never remains constant, so ppl
sending email direct to the machine is not possible.

Can anyone give me some ideas of where to start, and which packages may be
of use ?

I looked for some howto's but nothing really covers this.

Ian Perry

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