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.forward and .procmailrc


It's me again. I looked what's in the logfile of smail in an attempt to
see what is wrong with my .forward and .procmailrc files. I cannot figure
out what to do next, but it seems to me that it is something wrong
_before_ procmail, so procmail does not get any mail to process. 

I wonder why is this happening because I put the .forward file with
the recommended text:

"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #cpopescu"

with the following permissions:

 -rw-r--r--   1 cpopescu cpopescu       67 Feb  2 18:14 .forward

Here is a relevant part of the logfile of smail:

02/04/1998 22:36:19: [m0y0BYR-000I3ZC] Received FROM:rpopescu@ottonel.pub.ro HO\ST:localhost PROTOCOL:smtp PROGRAM:sendmail ORIG-ID:<Pine.LNX.3.96.980204223607\.573A-100000@pitagora> SIZE:462
02/04/1998 22:36:20: [m0y0BYR-000I3ZC] Failed TO:"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/pro\cmail -f- || exit 75 #cpopescu" DIRECTOR:dotforward TRANSPORT:pipe ERROR:(ERR14\4) transport pipe: child returned status EX_2 (2)
02/04/1998 22:36:20: [m0y0BYS-000I8uC] Received FROM:<+> HOST:pitagora PROTOCOL\:bsmtp PROGRAM:smail SIZE:4694
02/04/1998 22:36:21: [m0y0BYS-000I8uC] Failed TO:"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/pro\cmail -f- || exit 75 #cpopescu" DIRECTOR:dotforward TRANSPORT:pipe ERROR:(ERR14\4) transport pipe: child returned status EX_2 (2)
02/04/1998 22:36:21: [m0y0BYS-000I8uC] mail moved to /var/spool/smail/error/0y0\BYS-000I8uC
02/04/1998 22:36:21: [m0y0BYR-000I3ZC] Error sent FOR:"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bi\n/procmail -f- || exit 75 #cpopescu" TO:postmaster
02/04/1998 22:36:21: [m0y0BYR-000I3ZC] Completed.

Any clues will be most appreciated.

Thank you,


Catalin M. Popescu, Dermatologist
str. Marcu M. Ruxandra 6 bloc A3 sc A ap 17
Tel/Fax: +40 (1) 726 5703		e-mail: cpopescu@ottonel.pub.ro

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