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Re: Laptop prob with Deb. 1.3.1

For many laptops, especially the toshibas, try the tecra patched disks in
the special directory.


On Tue, 3 Feb 1998, Timothy Bostrom wrote:

> I just bought a Toshiba 440CDX and tried to install Debian 1.3.1.  Every
> time I put the boot disk in the floppy, the laptop would reboot right after
> it gets done decompressing the kernel and says "loading Linux"... Finally,
> after countless times, I was able to get it to boot and install the
> distribution.  Only now I can't get it to boot again... I'm using LILO to
> do a dual-boot to Win95 (its for work only, guys!) and whenever I choose
> Linux to boot it reboots... 95 works fine... I'm at a loss... I know of
> people who have other distributions of Linux running on the same exact
> laptop so I don't think it's the latop...  I've tried popping out all of
> the PCMCIA cards and booting but it still reboots...   

Brandon Mitchell <bhmit1@mail.wm.edu>   "We all know linux is great... it
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Phone: (757) 221-4847                      --Linus Torvalds

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