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?: Debian 1.3.1 and XFREE86 on Omnibook 4000C - Monitor settings

Notebook: Omnibook 4000 C    8MB RAM    486/DX50
Linux:    Debian 1.3.1


Hi experts,

I tried to install XFREE86, but I have problems in selecting the correct
options for my graphic
card and my monitor.

According to the handbook the Omnibook has a graphic card supporting SVGA
but the laptop monitor is VGA.

I tried:

   X-Server    Graphic Card             Monitor                    Result

   VGA16      unsupported VGA      VGA 640x480          black screen

   SVGA       unsupported VGA      VGA 640x480          X works with
resolution 320x240
    (not satisfying)

   SVGA       wd90c24a2                VGA 640x480         I see some
pixels on the screen

   SVGA       wd90c24a                  VGA 640x480         I see some
pixels on the screen

My handbook says that the omnibook has a Western Digital Graphic Card and
it should be wd90c24a2.

What options should I use? I want to use X only for the laptop monitor, not
for an external monitor.

Does anybody have expieriences with LINUX/XFREE86 on an Omnibook 4000 C?

Please send any answeres to me directly, because I am not on this list.

Thanks for any help


 Ralf Durben
 email: 100.57912@germanynet.de

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