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question on using lpr

I just installed Debian version of Linux on my PC. I created a sample C
program using Vi Editor. When I entered the command "lpr proga.c" it looked
like this:

1st line
          2nd line
                     3rd line
                                4th line ..(you get the idea).................

I am new to UNIX; however, I have been in the computer industry for 30 years
(MVS, VM, Windows) and have never seen anything like this. What is so
incredible is how each line aligned itself in a staggering formation. Anyways,
can somebody help me. What do I need to do to format this properly? Is there
any documentation on the arguments and options?

Also, how can I copy a file from my harddrive to a floppy (i.e., A: in Windows
or MS-DOS). I am taking a class on UNIX and may need to transport files from
my PC to the lab.

Thanks in advance,
Bob Hockensmith     

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