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Re: A few questions

On Mon, Jan 26, 1998 at 05:24:18PM +1300, Michael Beattie wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a few questions involving things that have stumped me for a while...
> 1) How do I get a 320x200 modeline for svgalib?? Is there some explanation
> somewhere about how to do this? I cant get quake working :)

I did it for my card and monitor, but you need to be very carefuland it is
not easy. You can do any weired things (like 100x675 modeline ;), but you
need to know the explicit datas from your monitor and your card.

Here is the doc:


(for text mode, but useful)


(this is the one to study).

You will need perhaps three hours to read, understand and follow the text.


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