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buzz upgrade report

Hi Craig,

Two problems with autoup to hamm from buzz. Mostly it works well.

Firstly, buzz (1.1.11) has dpkg 1.2.14, which doesn't have --get-selections.
Short of writing a script to do the same thing in perl, the best solution
seems to be to just upgrade dpkg beforehand to from bo,
which also requires upgrading to libc5 5.4.33-6 (since dpkg
predepends on libc5 >=, and we can't just install
straight because it's libc6).

After that everything goes pretty well.

Except that perl's postinst tries to clean up the mess in
/usr/lib/perl5/i486-linux but fails, so the postinst
fails and therefore the configuration of a whole lot of other
packages fails too. I will file a bug report.

Is there a nice way to handle the dpkg upgrade problem?
It seems to be best NOT to leave the old libc5 & dpkgs in
the current directory though because the script will
try to install them again and this causes problems with libc5
at least.

Hamish Moffatt, hamish@debian.org, hamish@rising.com.au, hmoffatt@mail.com
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