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Re: *-* auto-upgrade from rex to hamm

On Tue, 20 Jan 1998 08:49:32, lucier@bossie.cow-net.com asked:

> does rex = rexx  (script language found in OS/2 amongst others)

> What are hamm and bo?
     They are code names for versions.  Debian normally has two (three
for a brief period after the release of a new version) distributions
available on the ftp site and mirrors - the most recent stable
version, and the unstable version that is in the development process.
Code names are assigned to these versions that do not change when the
version "graduates" from unstable to stable.  Buzz is the code name
for the version that was released as 1.1, rex is the name for version
1.2, bo refers to the current "stable" version 1.3, and is the code
name for the current "unstable" version that will be released as 2.0
in the near future (hopefully).

     The advantage of the code names is that the same code name is
attached to a version throughout its lifespan.


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