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Bug#15854 should be release-critical (was Re: buzz upgrade report)

     It sounds like you are talking about Bug#15854.  On 11 Dec 1997
the maintainer's response to the bug report included a patch to fix
it, which he said would be included in perl 5.004.04-4.  

     My rex system contains non-empty directories that trigger this
problem, but my bo system does not.  I don't know if some bo systems
have them, or if all rex systems do.  It may depend on the upgrade
history of a particular box.

     As of last night, perl 5.004.04-4 was not on ftp.debian.org.  I
believe this should be considered a release-critical bug, as it can
break the auto upgrade script, leaving a system in an unstable


On Wed, 21 Jan 1998 10:31:32 +1100, Hamish Moffatt <hamish@debian.org>
> Except that perl's postinst tries to clean up the mess in
> /usr/lib/perl5/i486-linux but fails, so the postinst
> fails and therefore the configuration of a whole lot of other
> packages fails too. I will file a bug report.

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