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lprng and changing to secure port

I'm trying to get my output to a network print server.  I have lprng 
installed, but I get the "infamous" malformed from address message:

eyryttyp0:hawk>lpr .cshrc
rint-1.iastate.edu: -LPdaemon: Malformed from address
job 'cfA785eyry' transfer to he183-lj5@print-1.iastate.edu failed after 1 

according to the /usr/doc/lprng/README.LPRng_to_lpr_spooling.gz, this means 
that it isn't happy that I'm not sending from a secure port.  It also says,

   It appears that most implementations do not check for the exact
   range 721-731,  but only that the connection originates from a
   reserved port.  You can extend the range of ports by changing the
      originate_port=721 731
   value in the defaults (src/common/defaults.c) file or in the lpd.conf
   file.  I recommend the following:
      originate_port=512 1022

OUr vincent (athena) system is pretty big on security, and this dosen't seem 
to work.

Does anyone have any ideas short of downloading the source doing my own make?

Also, from our tech folks,

   Ah, I see that you are not using your PV username on this machine.
   To PV the user 'hawk' is somebody else.

   Since changing your username on your linux box is probably
   not something your really want to do, the other option is 
   to modify lprng so that it just always claims you are
   'rhawkins'.  This should go on the 'P' card/line of the
   control file.  This shouldn't be to hard to find.

 I assume that this is the file /etc/lpd.conf.  But from the docs, i can't see 
the correct form.

Is this as simple as adding the line




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