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Re: *-* auto-upgrade from rex to hamm

On Sat, 17 Jan 1998 14:30:37 +1100 (EST) you wrote:
> i released v0.11 of the script a few hours ago, so you'll probably want to
> update your rex version to that.

     Agreed. I received it 5 minutes after I sent my message! 
> on a more general note, i think it would be better for my version and
> your rex version to be merged into one script. 

     At first I thought this wasn't very practical, since the rex
update is messier than the bo update.  I now think it would be
feasible, and will give it a try.  I should post something on this

     In the change log to v0.11, you said:

> #   - fixed potential globbing problem reported by Kirk Hilliard
> #     <kirk@ghoti.com>
> #   - fixed 'or just hit enter to use "$DEFAULT"' problem reported by
> #     "Robert D. Hilliard" <hilliard@metrolink.net>.  there must be a
> #     Hilliard Conspiracy :-)
        ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
     You are correct.  My son Kirk is visiting me, and has his
computer setup about 5 feet from mine.  I was bit (not very hard - these
bugs are very gentle) by both of these bugs.  Kirk diagnosed the
potential globbing problem, and e-mailed you about it.  When I found
the other a little later, and then sent you a message.  Looking back
in my script files, I see that the $DEFAULT problem had been evident
every time I tested another version of the script, but I had never
noticed it. :-)

     It is interesting that you ran v0.8 on a rex system without
problems.  I think that points out that the upgrade behavior of the
script depends to a great extent on which packages are installed, so
there is no guarantee that it will run error free on all systems.

     I have partitions with rex and bo file systems, respectively, on
them, and another partition that will ultimately be my working hamm
system.  For testing, I copy one of my systems to the hamm partition
with cp -ax. After completing a test, I wipe it out and start over for
the next test.  I started last month with 1.2.18 on the /rex system.
During testing of a manual upgrade, following the Mini-Howto, I
managed to delete the -dev files, and some others, on my rex
partition.  I rebuilt rex from a Cheapbytes 1.2.4 CD.  For test
purposes, I installed a lot of packages, especially development ones,
that I don't normally use.  This may be why I have encountered more
incompatible packages than you did.


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