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Re: Updates from non-debian sites? Release numbers..

On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, Gregory Guthrie wrote:

> Is this compatible with running Debian; or must/should one wait till there
> is a Debian package with that version of the particular program.
You can download the source,  compile it,  and install it under
/usr/local/,  because dpkg won't touch anything there.  Usually we're
pretty good about having hte most-up-to-date upstream releases,  but
sometimes things get backlogged.  If there is a debian package of the
version you need,  I'd recommed using it,  but if not,  go ahead and
install it yourself.  Maybe even _make_ a .deb out of it and contribute it
to the project;  it's not terribly difficult to do.

> 2) How does one correllate release and version numbers; e.g. Debian 1.3.1
> is kernel 2.0.30, but ther is also newer kernel source around (The linux
> Router package is Debian 2.0.32). 
The unstable tree at the moment has a 2.0.32 kernel-source package.  The
best thing to do is to install the default kernel on your CD,  then
install the kernel-source packages and compile a custom kernel from them,
including support for only the stuff you need (eg. cut out the SCSI
support if you don't have SCSI stuff).

> Is the source code at the Debian site newer than the binary releases there?
No,  the source code is the source code that the binary releases are
compiled from.

> I am not clear on the update process and compatibility. I just got a CDROM
> with 1.1.3, is it old already!  :-)
We have at all times two concurrent trees:  the "stable" tree,  which is
stable in the "unchanging" sense.  Then there's the "unstable" tree,
which changes continuosly (new stuff added,  old deleted),  as often as a
few times a day.  When we're satisfied with "unstable",  it'll become
"stable",  and then we'll start on a new unstable.

We're only up to 1.3 now. The next release (whenever we freeze unstable),
in a month or so <fingers crossed> will be 2.0.  The system is _entirely_
upgradeable:  install from your 1.1.3 CD,  point dselect at
ftp.debian.org,  select the updates,  and dpkg will install them for
you,  no problem.


|             harpo@udel.edu lowe@cis.udel.edu lowe@debian.org           |
|			http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/		         |
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