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Debian and the MANPATH variable


I've solved quite all the problems I had with my server/clients running
I now have a little trouble with the MANPATH environment variable...

I have set up my clients so that I can mount several servers quite the
same way:
/home is splitted into several parts, each belonging to a specific
server (eg for now: /home/server1 and /home/server2);
In /usr/local, I've added a 'produits' (imported products) subdirectory,
which itself is splitted like /home (eg /usr/local/produits/server1 and
so on).

These directories contain a /usr/local-like filesystem, ie they all
contain a bin, lib, etc and man (plus others) directories.
I've written a shell script that looks for available products servers,
and that automatically includes bin to the PATH, and sources a file in
etc containing the env variables needed by the installed products (eg:
MOZILLA_HOME for netscape).

The only problem that remain is that I _don't_ want to include the
servers' man directories in the client's /etc/manpath.config. I first
thought that if I set up the MANPATH variable to the servers' man dirs
it would work (and in fact in does), but when I do that I cannot access
the client's manpages -those defined in /etc/manpath.config- anymore.

Suggestion anybody ?
Thanx for your help.


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