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libc6-dev and kern-source-2.0.33


	After looking around in the unstable distribution I decided
here were a few packages that I just couldn't do without. I managed to
install libc6, ldso, and a few other new packages with little problem
using the helpful libc6 HOWTO.

libc6-dev depends on either >= kernel-source-2.0.32-2 or
 >= kernel-headers-2.0.32-2 or greater, neither of which are
available. But, I have the Linux kernel sources for 2.0.33. So, I made
a kernel-source-2.0.33 package with make-kpkg kernel_source and
installed it -- thinking this would clear up libc6-dev dependency on
kernel-source 2.0.32, but it did not.

Why didn't installing my own custom kernel-source-2.0.33 package clear
up this dependency problem?

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