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Re: [fuzzy@ns.asarian.org: was wondering if you could help us]

> we so far have gotten xdm/xwindows running, but the type size is too
> small to be readable. I think its defaulting to 1024x768 how do I 
> have it resize to 800x600, without losing the ability to switch to the 

  I suggest keeping the 1024x768 screen size, and only changing fontsizes for
those programs that appear small.  The reason is, that most X programs are
built to reside on 19" screens and 1280x1024 resolution, and will have their
windows far outside the 800x600 resolution.  Which will make them difficult to

> smaller size. what we see after logging in on the xdm login screen is
> a title bar in the upper left corner and what looks like a tic-tac-toe
> board in the center of the screen. clicking on the title bar produces 
> a xterm in center of the screen but its small and not scaleable. I'm

  All xterm's are normally 80x25 in size, which is a normal size for a console
display.  If you have difficulty seeing the text, then point the mouse inside
the xterm window, then press and hold the CTRL key and right mouse button at
the same time until a popup menu appears.  You can then release the CTRL key,
but hold the mouse button down and move the mouse over the popup menu and
select a different font for the xterm.  This way you can select a different
font for your xterm, in the range (tiny,small,medium,large,huge).

> we'd like to try other window managers... what is available and
> (what directories if on the 'offical' CDs or non-free) where 
> if not. 

  They reside in the binary/X11 directory I'd think.  There are,
   fvwm2        - a very nice window manager.
   afterstep    - a NextStep clone... the original was better.
   fvwm95       - a Win95 look-a-like... the original is better.
   twm          - the standard X window manager, simple 2D manager.
   olwm         - Open Look, the pre-Solaris window manager from Sun.
                  this is Version 3.2... unfortunately the Open Look
                  desktop environment didn't become really usable until
                  version 3.3.
   mwm          - Motif Window Manager clone provided by lesstif...
                  again, the original is better.

  Many people use Linux, merely for net-support... and then use their Windoze
machines as desktops, but if you intend to use Linux as a Workstation, I
suggest getting CDE, and motif 2.0.  These are commercial programs, and provide
a good desktop environment, *similar* to what you can find on SGI and Solaris.

> we'd like to set up netscape... we saw there is an installer package,
> presumably the actual tarball comes from ftp.netscape.com? what do I
> need along with that? during the installation of the basic system 
> I told the the install script to load the module for java binaries.
> what other packages do I need besides the installer package for
> netscape and the actual netscape tarball?

  You don't need support for java binaries, to use netscape.  Netscape comes
with a restricted Java interpreter, and uses that.  You only need support for
java binaries, if you intend to compile and run java programs on your system
outside netscape.  Some will tell you it is a nice feature, and probably is if
you are a java developer.  I read somewhere that Sun was going to produce a
Java chip, something like the old BASIC CPU's, which will run java code.  Don't
know if they have, nor if it is only available for Sun machines, but who
knows... maybe the name change Solaris->Slowaris is a java,tcl/tk,perl feature?

Orn Einar Hansen                         oe.hansen@oehansen.pp.se
                                        voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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