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Re: Partitioning

On Wed, Dec 17, 1997 at 01:12:08PM +0100, Gertjan Klein wrote:
>   DOS (and W95) require to be booted from drive C: (ignoring floppies
> again).  During booting, at some stage before processing config.sys, it
> switches from loading files from the actual boot drive to loading them
> from drive C:.  If these are not the same, weird things can happen
> (processing of config.sys of another partition, or refusing to load
> command.com because it has the wrong version number).  The way DOS
> assigns drive letters is this:
>  * All non-DOS partitions are completely ignored. This includes OS/2's
>    hidden DOS partitions.
>  * Each _active_ primary DOS partition on each subsequent drive is
>    assigned the next drive letter, even if it is not the first primary
>    DOS partition. If a drive has no active (DOS) partition, its _first_
>    primary DOS partition is assigned a drive letter. If no primary DOS
>    partition exists on the drive, no drive letter is assigned in this
>    stage.

It seems that NT probably does the same thing - if you happen to have an
OS/2 HPFS partition (id #9), then NT thinks it is an NTFS partition(id #9).
If you are unlucky, then this partition will be in such a place that it is
assigned drive letter C. NT will then get confused as it can't actually
understand what's on C:  God, I *love* mount points - and I *loathe*, *hate*,
*despise* drive letters :-)


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