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digest list and GLX extensions

I have a couple of unrelated questions. First, I subscribe to the
digest version of this list (debian-user-digest) and it seems to be
broken (at least I haven't gotten anything from it in about a week). I
sent email to debian-user-request about the problem yesterday and
haven't heard anything back. Anyone else I should contact, or should I
just bide my time? I tried unsubscribing and resubscribing, which
seems to have worked, but I'm still not getting any content from the
list, just responses to queries on the *-request address.

Second, I just spied a new project, creating a GLX extension for
XFree86 (http://www.cs.utah.edu/~sparker/xfree86-3d). This is great
and I'd like to try the alpha version out. It requires that the
XFree86 source be patched though and I'm wondering what the best way
to go about doing that on my Debian box is? Is there a source
distribution for debianized XFree86, or should I just go and suck the
raw XFree86 source down and go from there?

Thanks in advance, and please "Cc" me on any replies since my
debian-user-digest subscription doesn't seem to be working these


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Trouble?  e-mail to templin@bucknell.edu .

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