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More fun with modules and 2.1.72 kernel

So I figured out how to substitute the sb module (depends on uart401
and sound) for the sound module to get useful results from kerneld
doing, say 'cat /dev/sndstat': I added

alias char-major-14 sb

to /etc/conf.modules.  So far, so good.

Now, the problem I'm having is with the printer driver.  'lpr foo.ps'
causes lpd to access /dev/lp0.  This loads the lp driver, which
depends on parport.  parport loads parport_probe, which looks for
parallel port devices.  It's rather unhappy because there are no
parallel port drivers.  So I have to manually load parport_pc before I 
can do anything else (actually, before I try to anything, otherwise
the parport_probe and lp modules will hang).  So the dependency graph
looks like


Is there any way to convince kerneld to load parport_pc before it
loads lp, without overriding the default connection from char-major-6
to lp?  I want both modules loaded, but in a specific order.

/                             \  "The cat's been in the box for over
|          David Maze         |  20 years.  Nobody's feeding it.  The
|         dmaze@mit.edu       |            cat is dead."
| http://donut.mit.edu/dmaze/ |  -- Grant, on Schroedinger's Cat

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