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xntp, ntpdate, setting the local clock

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I'm using xntpd (for no good reason), have setup my ntp servers in 
/etc/ntp.conf, have ran ntpq to find that xntpd is working great.  
However, the local clock isn't being set, according to reftime in ntpq 
| rv. I'm unsure if the offset being roughly 2881775 is a problem, but 
I know that's a lot (probably about 8*60*60*10, since I'm at GMT+8, 

I'm also not sure what to do about the timezone issue.  My 
/etc/init.d/boot is set to UTC ( GMT="-u" ), and I have a TZ assignment 
in my .bashrc which corrects the clock in X-windows ( TZ="UTC" ; export 
TZ ).  /sbin/clock -r gives the correct time, so I think that all I 
need to do is to learn how to set the local clock, so I can automate 
the procedure.

I see a note: "ntpdate will decline to set the date if an NTP server 
daemon (e.g., xntpd) is running on the same host." 
(/usr/doc/xntp3/html/ntpdate.html) That could be a problem..  :-)  
Should I be using ntpd (vs. xntpd), or .. ??


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