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Re: DNS Problem

Kevin Traas wrote:
> If you've got a suggestion, I'd love to hear it.
> I've just had a client contact me.  Their getting the following in
> /var/log/messages:
> Dec  2 12:47:16 inetgw named[140]: "axionet.com IN MX" points to a
> CNAME (mail.axionet.com)
> Dec  2 12:47:16 inetgw named[140]: "axionet.com IN MX" points to a
> CNAME (smtp.axionet.com)

It looks like the DNS MX record for axionet.com points to a CNAME record
when technically MX records shoud always point to A records.

If you control the DNS maps for axionet.com, I suggest you fix it.  If
you don't that I'm afraid you're SOL.  Sorry.

This is a pretty harmless problem (except for your logs being filled
up), but is something you should try to fix if you can.

I hope this helps.


Behan Webster     mailto:behanw@verisim.com
+1-613-224-7547   http://www.verisim.com/

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