clock & /etc/init.d/boot
Here's a gotcha for those who (like me) did not use the new /etc/init.d/boot
file when upgrading to release 1.3.1 (bo). I found out that /proc was not
being mounted early enough in the old 'boot' (many thanks to the folks on this
list for that tip), however, after installing the new 'boot', I noticed that
my system clock was behind the CMOS clock consistantly when ever I rebooted.
So I decided to chase that one down. Turns out that the new 'boot' is using
GMT time and I prefer local time. A quick edit of /etc/init.d/boot fixed that.
-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek KD4CIK - member of ARRL Remove @_@ for correct Email address
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