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Debian on DEC 3000

Hi all,

I'd like to install debian on DEC 3000 and after some RTFM-ing I realized 
that only this list is the source for installation instructions. 
My situation is a bit difficult. I have DEC 3000 station WITHOUT any 
input devices, the only connection to the outer world is network card. 
I had to remove hard disk from that machine and attached it to another 
Alpha station, so that to mount and modified some files (I forgot my own 
and root passwords). This operation finished with a complete destruction 
of the prevoius system residing on that disk, which is now empty and 
partitioned only. So, my question is: is it possible to install 
debian-alpha on this disk installed temporarily as a second hard disk in 
Alpha Station 300. I realize that such operation may be possible only 
doing everything by hand, but how? In addition, I have no possibility to 
connect any monitor and keyboard to DEC 3000 because of strange and 
non-standard sockets. Is it possible to prepare a complete and working 
system image, transfer it to the DEC's disk and make it bootable?


  Jerzy Kakol

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