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Various configuration issues


I purchased Debian 1.3 a couple of weeks ago (with donation) and I
installed once already.  I mucked things up a little and reinstalled. 
My first linux was SLS, then Slackware, then Redhat, and now Debian.  I
like the Debian philosophy so I'm going to stay with it.

My first configuration issue is installing Netscape Communicator.  On my
previous install I used netscape's install script but I'd like to do it
via dpkg so the software will be registered with the system.

I already have the communicator tar file, I need a .deb file and
instructions on how to make dpkg install it.

The second thing I'd like is to be able to mount my DOS vfat drives
(/mnt/c /mnt/d) so that user michael has rwx permission for the drives. 
I want to do this so that when I run netscape I can configure it to use
my Win95 Netscape files.  Does that work?

The third thing is that when I run pon as root everything is fine.  But
when I run it as michael I get permission denied on two of the /etc/ppp
scripts.  I think it is the out script and the chat script.  I did add
michael to PID in the /etc/groups file(pid:x:michael or something like
that, does x mean no password?)

And lastly, I need a program that lets me adjust my XFConfig file while
the server is running (S3 805 chip).  I need to adjust my screens
diminsions a little because when I adjust it via monitor controls it
mucks up some of the Win95 adjustments.

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