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How can I use PPP connection?


	I'm quite confused with PPP connection.

	I'm using xisp to dial and set my internet connection under Linux. The
internet provider from my university uses dinamic IP assignment and I
can easily get a 'socket' for my W95 applications: I run a script that
dials, I put my username and password on login screen, key 'ppp' and
enter, get a stream of words&codes on screen (saying 'Async interfaces
etc ...') and push F7 to finnally get a socket to plug my Netscape, ftp
and whatelse.

	I installed xisp and fed it with server address, my username and
password, wrote some lines for scripting:
		ername:--ername: %s
		ssword: %s
		sync:--sync /0;65	(I wait for the message 					'Async... and send the
					to play for F7 key my server
					asks for)

	Well, it seems to work as long as I got a fancy xisp window with  the
correct number of my server on ISP box, a dynamic IP adress box filled
down, a status box with a message CONN (I wish this means connected...),
a correct speed number and a 'walking' clock with my connection time.

	I took my HowTo's and read PPP-HowTo but I did not know what is

	How can I fire some internet applications to take any advantage of the
connection? What is the next step to plug Netscape, ftp apps, telnet and
things alike in this 'socket'?

	Help me! Must I stack on W95 to make a simple (a bit cumbersome, I
know, but a working one) internet connection?

	Thanks in advance,

	Adalberto da Silva
	Instituto Astronomico e Geofisico
	Universidade de Sao Paulo - Brasil

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