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Needed Documentation


I'm looking for a flowchart or something that describes the boot 
sequence in detail... haven't found anything like that yet.

I'm a newbie to Linux, installed my first two systems this past 
weekend and have tons to learn. I know the PC inside out and am 
comfortable with OS's in general, have witten my share of x86 
assembly and DOS tsr's. 

I have no idea what happens during the kernel bootup, initialization 
and the starting of processes. Mainly looking for which process 
invokes what, and how and where control is passed around during 
system startup.

Secondly, I'm looking for a breif but complete listing bash and 
external commands.

Any suggestions pointing me towards specific online docs, faqs, 
howto's or published books would be greatly appreciated.



 Chris Brown       cbrown@seitz.com         !!! HELP FIGHT SPAM !!!

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