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yet another ppp problem

     I am a new debian user.  I have had my system running for about a month
now.  I am trying to set up ppp so that I can dial in to school from my home. 
I don't really know what I am doing, so like any good newbie, I poured over the
/usr/doc and /usr/doc/HOWTO directories.  There seemed to be two different
schemes running around the documentation.  One using pon, and the other using
ppp-on (I am not really sure if they are the same or not).  Anyway, I have
tried the latter approach.
    I set up a /usr/sbin/ppp-on script

  # Script to initiate a PPP connection. This is the first part of the
  # pair of scripts. This is not a secure pair of scripts as the codes
  # are visible with the 'ps' command.  However, it is simple.
  # These are the parameters. Change as needed.
  PASSWORD=***        #Note: in the actual file, my password IS here! :)
  # Export them so that they will be available to 'ppp-on-dialer'
  # This is the location of the script which dials the phone and logs
  # in.  Please use the absolute file name as the $PATH variable is not
  # used on the connect option.  (To do so on a 'root' account would be
  # a security hole so don't ask.)
  # Initiate the connection
  /bin/setserial /dev/cua1 spd_vhi
  exec /usr/sbin/pppd debug /dev/ttyS1 38400 \
          $LOCAL_IP:$REMOTE_IP \
          connect $DIALER_SCRIPT


and an /etc/ppp/ppp-on-dialer script:

  # This is part 2 of the ppp-on script. It will perform the connection
  # protocol for the desired connection.
  chat -v                                                 \
          TIMEOUT         3                               \
          ABORT           '\nBUSY\r'                      \
          ABORT           '\nNO ANSWER\r'                 \
          ABORT           '\nRINGING\r\n\r\nRINGING\r'    \
          ''              \rAT                            \
          'OK-+++\c-OK'   ATH0                            \
          TIMEOUT         30                              \
          OK              ATDT$TELEPHONE                  \
          CONNECT         ''                              \
          ogin:--ogin:    $ACCOUNT                        \
          assword:        $PASSWORD                       \
	  ready:--ready:  ppp

When I try to run ppp-on, nothing happens. In the system log, it says ppp0 is
created, and pppd is started with uid 0.  The next extry is "Exit".  After
that, there is something about being "successfully unregistered".

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,
Larry Gariepy

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