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> Ok, I give up. I've been bothering everyone I possibly could on both the 
> DEBIAN and JAVA mail lists, and I've finally gone nuts. 
> Is there anyone who has sucessfully gotten any version of java, javac, and
> AWT libraries to work together? If so, could they give me a basic rundown
> on how they did it? 
> (In my current situation, I'm using kaffe, and can't find the AWT classes, 
>  no matter how obvious I make the path!) 

Use JDK! 

Either 1.0.2 from non-free or 1.1.3 from hamm/non-free.

Works perfectly.

Alex Y.

 _( )_
(     (o___           +-------------------------------------------+
 |      _ 7           |            Alexander Yukhimets            |
  \    (")            |       http://pages.nyu.edu/~aqy6633/      |
  /     \ \           +-------------------------------------------+

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