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How to mirror the unstable debian distribution non-free included and make a debian-cd with it?

	I have an slow link (33.600bps modem) so I can not go around downloading
too many things, but I have the chance of getting all of it via ethernet, the
problem is:
	-I have to get it in about 300MB pieces. I mean, I have plenty of room
in my computer, but the notebook I have to use to go around with the data only
has 300MB of free space, maybe 350MB.
	-I don't know how to download symlinks as the link and not the file they
point to.
	-I don't have a cd-writer, so I think I will have to make the ISO image
and go somewhere else to get it burned.
	-I don't know how to make the ISO the wright way, I also have heard of
some kernel bug which has to be taken in acount.
	-I know about the debian-cd package, but still, I don't know how to use
it. Also this package is made to skip the non-free directory and I do what it to
be in there, It is all for me so there is no copywright problem.

Thanks in advance

PS: If any body could tell me how to get into the mailing list, I tried but I am
not getting any mail from it so I guess it didn't work, and I would like to, if
posible, be helpful.


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