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Re: Unable to complete upgrade to libc6 development

Hi again:

In my previous communication I described some of the problems I am
having in taking the "next step" after adding the libc6 libraries etc
to my Debain box:  how to go on to configure the system to do
development (i.e., gcc, g++, g77 work) using libc6.  Whereas the 
first step is very clearly described in the HOWTO, the second
step is not.  I tried hard to figure out how to switch from libc5
development to libc6 development, but was unable to make it work.
The problem is that the HOWTO says to remove all old *-dev packages
before installing the new *-dev packages, but dpkg didn't let me
do this!  Since very many other packages depended on the libc5 
*-dev stuff, I couldn't remove them without practically gutting
my system.  In the end, I tried to do this very thing, but
apparently failed.  Now I can't do libc5 nor libc6 development!

Is there any place I can go to find a step-by-step description
of how to do the conversion I am seeking?  I suspect that other
people on this list may be having or have had this problem, and
would be interested in the answer.  If I get a clear answer,
I'll summarize for the group.

		-- Sherm Ostrowsky

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