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Re: End of device [was Re: kernel messages]

a Similar thin happened to a good friend of mine, the problem was resolved
by dd'in /dev/null to the partition

dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/hdax
where x is the partition #

take care
At 09:32 PM 10/28/97 -0800, Mike Orr wrote:
>On Sun, Oct 26, 1997 at 09:14:56PM -0500, Thalia L. Hooker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was just noticed in my log files that I have these messages in my
>> /var/adm/kern.log:
>> attempt to access beyond end of device
>> 03:02: rw=0, want 707406379, limit 1433376
>> This message is repeated several times and ultimately the computer locks
>> Does someone have an idea what is causing these messages?
>> btw, the only process being run by a user at this point is myself trying to
>> build a new kernel.
>I don't know if this is related or not, but the last time I tried to
>make a partition on my disk, I got hundreds of consecutive seek errors
>from mkfs.  This is on a 1.3G Western Digital IDE that has never had any
>bad sectors.  I had just deleted some partitions to resize them, and the
>last new partition failed to build.  (I think there was some free space
>at the end of the disk before, and this time around I tried to use up
>all the space.)
>This was a couple months ago.  I just chalked it up to either my disk
>really is going bad (although it's remained reliable ever since), or
>else e2fsck really is overrunning the end of the disk for some reason,
>or cfdisk reported more blocks than were actually there.  This is with a
>2.0.28 kernel.  I just gave up trying to use that portion of the disk.
>************** MICHAEL SCOTT ORR <mso@jimpick.com> *****************
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