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Re: PCMCIA/kernel problems

After making a new kernel (using make-kpkg and so on, as
specified in /usr/doc/kernel-source-<version>/debian.README), you
will have to make a new set of pcmcia modules.  Instructions are
in /usr/doc/pcmcia-source/README.  If you make both the kernel
and the pcmcia modules according to the Debian documentation
(which is somewhat different than what you'll find in the kernel
and pcmcia HOWTO's), then the new modules should work fine.

Here's a related question - where is the SCHEME variable set in a
Debian 1.3 system?  The pcmcia docs state that the default value
is `default', but on my system, the default value seems to be `'.


Michael A. Miller                                miller5@uiuc.edu
  Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  PGP public key available on request

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