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Problem loading files in X

I am having a problem with two X apps that seems similar.

I recently installed Progresive Networks Real Player, but it doesn't
work right.  Even though I have correctly configured Netscape to invoke
rvplayer as a helper app, it doesn't play when I click a realaudio or
video link.  The player starts and appears on the screen, but no sound
is heard.

However, I can play realaudio from the net if I start rvplayer from
the command line and include the URL like so:

$ rvplayer http://www.wksu.org/cgi-bin/raplay-live &

So rvplayer is obviously working ok on my system.  Netscape can start
it, but seems unable to pass the audio URL to it.

I am having what seems a similar problem with Cecilia, a graphical
interface for csound:


I can't load files from disk into Cecilia using the file menu, but just
as with rvplayer, I can load them if I add the filename and path to the
command line when I start Cecilia.

Could these problems be related?  Anyone have a clue?

David Densmore <dden@rollanet.org>

ps How do I turn off the screen saver

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