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Re: Linux as a mail and intranetserver

At 11:22 14.10.1997 -0500, Mark wrote:

>smail is the Debian preference and would probably be suitable
>for your intranet. on the other hand, sendmail is equally suitable
>and is still easy to configure.

Is there a basic difference between smail and sendmail?

>Linux has brilliant Windoze support. i'd even go as far to say
>it's one of it's most valuable features when speaking of an 
>office intranet.

You mean to say as a server or as an OS for W95 applications?

>Internet Explorer 4.0 Active Desktop is quickly invading the `Dozer
>realm <shudder>, but there is Eudora, or the stalwart Navigator or

I agree with your <shudder>. IE4 appears to be only uninstalled by a reformatting of the HD. Eudora is very fine, but does not support multiple users on one machine. The same thing for Navigator, if I have understood rightly.

 >>Else should one leave Windoze for what it is and work only with Linux  >>packages. Which email-packages under Linux are most user-friendly?
>again, Netscape Navigator is a common tool but there are many others.
>just to see, browse http://www.xnet.com/~blatura/linapps.shtml.
>there are some powerful and useful desktop managers now and more
>exciting utilitites are introduced weekly. selection of an email
>package is somewhat dependent upon the the needs and abilities
>of the users, IMO.
>i would also suggest dropping some more RAM in your box. it's
>not required on headless server, that is a server without a
>graphial interface, but is sure is a great feeling to be able 
>to fire up X Windows on your 486 and browse the net. ( i know
>because i have a former Windoze running Debian Linux 486 too! )

I will get a Pentium with 32 MB after i get the feel of Linux and use the 486 as a client.

>take the plunge!

I certainly will. Thanks a lot! 

Dirk Kievith

-- CADD Services & WebDesign	|   dirk@webstudio6.com		-- 	
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