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Re: Linux as a mail and intranetserver

Carey, thanks for your information:

At 21:28 14.10.1997 +1300, Carey wrote:

>You could use qmail, exim, sendmail or smail, or maybe another, not
>necessarily in that order.  I use and like qmail, despite the author's
>attitude and the fact that there's no real Debian package.

Any idea where I can check out qmail?
>> - which web- and proxyserver to use 
>Apache is the most widely used web server and probably a good choice.
>There's basically just one choice for web proxy: squid.  

This comes with the Debian release or is it to be found elsewhere?

>If you put a POP server on your Linux machine, it looks like an ISP.
>Qmail comes with one.  Use Pegasus Mail or whatever on the Windows

Downloaded Pegasus and installed. Have not gone into details but it should serve the purpose od multipule users for one machine. 

>I like Gnus under XEmacs, and it's not to bad once it's set up.  VM
>and (X)Emacs might be easier to start with.  I've heard good things
>about Mutt.

Don't know about them yet. I will have to try them after I have installed Linux. 

>> My immediate aim is to install that which will serve my purpose and
>> save as much precious time on un- and re-installing different
>> applications.
>This is not actually too bad under Debian.  You can even get your old
>configuration back.

That is one reason why I choose Debian, though it took some time to get it from the US. Here in India Slackware is available, but I had to give up a previous installation of a free distribution of it.

Dirk Kievith

-- CADD Services & WebDesign	|   dirk@webstudio6.com		-- 	
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