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Re: Please recommend a quality 4GB hard drive

Simon Karpen wrote:
> Which WD drives have you had good luck with?
> I have yet to see a recent one last more than a year...

How recent?

Looking around, I notice I have a lot of WD drives:

4GB, 4 months old
1.6GB, 1 year old *
1.6GB, 2.5 years old
800MB, approx 4 years old (got second hand)
200MB, 5 years old

None of these drives have ever given me any troubles. The only bad WD drive
I've ever seen was a very old 40 MB drive that was a bit flakey.

I hope I prove you wrong about my 4GB. ;-)

see shy jo

* This drive isn't on 24/7. All the rest are, and most have been for their 
entire lifespan.

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