Re: Please recommend a quality 4GB hard drive
I have had bad and good luck with conner IDE, actually; a CFA series 528MB
drive that's 3yr old and still going strong, but a CFS series (slower,
cheaper) 850 that died after about a year.
RPI ACM (not speaking for them) has had a relatively recent (18mo old?)
Conner 2GB SCSI drive have problems that were fixed (i think) by
exchanging it for a new drive. (either that or a format; i know it was getting
errors and a new one came back a good while later w/o errors)
Seagates tend to least a year or two than fail, from my experience.
On Fri, 10 Oct 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:
> Although I don't have a 4GB one, I have had good luck with the smaller Quantum
> Fireball IDE drives. My Western Digital drives have had squeaky bearings right
> out of the box. Although some have reported problems with them, my Conner SCSI
> drive has been OK, and I think I have a Conner IDE that's OK too. My new 2.1GB
> laptop drive is a Seagate, and that works fine so far.
Simon Karpen
"Those that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--Ben Franklin
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