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Help with Samba+Windows+IP-Masq


	I'm needing help with the following:

                             Linux w/IP-Masq (3 3Com590)
                              |  |
                             /    \
                            |      |
                         Windows  Windows   

	My problem is how to allow the Windows machines bellow my
Linux Box access Win95/NT/Win3.11 machines on other sub LANs? 
	The strange topology is out of my scope. I just set the Linux
Box to allow the windows machines access Internet. Now people are
putting information (forms, reports, etc) on Win95/Win311 machines and
the windows users of my sub-LAN can't access it. Yes, I'm trying to 
convince them to use ftp, but ... they are Windows users...
	The basic needed connection is simply to connect to share
disk drive. (Something like:
	The machines outside my Linux LAN do not use fixed IP; they
have a dhcp server so I can't use smbclient from Linux to connect to
	Is there a way to have the netbeui (is this?) protocol (?) 
to pass from one netcard to other in my Linux box? 

Mario O.de Menezes            "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but
    IPEN-CNEN/SP                 is the Lord's purpose that prevails"
http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario                 Prov. 19.21

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