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slang and lynx

after upgrading to the newest version of slang0.99.34 and slang0.99.38 I get
the following error with lynx: can't open libslang.so.0.99.34

I tried making a symlink to libslang.so.0.99.38 and this results in lynx
doing a core dump when I attempt to start it.

I thought the slang0.99.34 package was meant to allow libc5 packages that
still need libslang.so.0.99.34 to work

           G'razel the shifty kitty
      Tapestries FurryMUCK FuroticaMUCK
kestrel@aye.net   http://www.aye.net/~kestrel

To err is human,
To purr feline.
                -- Robert Byrne

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