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Re: losing track

Marc.Fleureck@cmlag.fgov.be (Marc Fleureck) writes:

> I run debian 1.3/kernel 2.0.30 and have PCMCIA card 3C562D/563D.
> I am trying to access the network.
> I began installing pcmcia-cs 2.9.5-3 together with pcmcia-modules 
> 2.9.5-3. So I had to upgrade to kernel 2.0.30, which I did.
> This still gave problems when starting PCMCIA (it finds the adapter, 
> but says 'loading failed, the module symbols from linux-2.0.30 don't 
> match your linux-2.0.30')
> So I got the kernel-source to recompile pcmcia. I needed dpkg-dev to 
> use dpkg-source to extract the kernel-sources (dpkg-source -x) But this 
> required unstable versions of it, which needed again other unstable
>  versions.
> So, every (unstable) package I try to install complains about 
> dependencies, e.g.
> dpkg-dev --> dpkg -->  binutils --> gcc --> cpp --> ncurses, and so on.
> Is this the normal way to do this ?

If you are using the kernel-image-2.0.30 package from bo (the current
stable distribution), then you do not need to recompile the PCMCIA
modules.  You should be able to use the pcmcia packages in
debian/bo-updates directory on ftp.debian.org (or its mirrors).


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