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Many questions (mostly Network)

1) I have a rather strange setup, and I'm confused on how to implement it. 
   It looks something like this:

~~~| Gateway   |        |---[A Machine]
   |-----------|        |
        |               |---[A Machine]
   |-----------|        |
   | Fileserv  |--------|---[A Machine]
   |-----------|        |
                        |---[A Machine]

  The gateway is given to me by my ISP, and it has a 10baseT connection that 
  I can hook to one machine. So, the plan is that I'm going to hook it to my
  fileserver, and use it as a gateway to the gateway. This way I can use IP
  masquerading to allow all of the machiens (with varying OSs) to access the

  The machines are all hooked in with the Fileserver using Thin BNC. 

  The Fileserver is running Linux.

  My idea is to have two network cards in Fileserv, one using Thin BNC and
  the other using 10baseT. I've noticed that the driver for NE-2000 compatible
  cards only looks for cards that have io addresses that I mention. 

  So my questions are:
    * Can I have two ne-2000 compatible cards in the same system?
    * assuming the gateway can pump data extremely fast, will I be 
      losing a ton of permformance by going from 10baseT to thin BNC? 
      In other words, should I switch my whole system to 10BaseT instead?
      (Downloads are VIA satellite... That can be fast.) 
    * Are there any serious flaws in this plan I'm not seeing? 


2) I'm running SAMBA on my fileserver (same setup as above). On it, I have 
   a public directory (both in SAMBA terms and UNIX). However, when someone
   attempts to write a file, sometimes it doesn't allow it. Can someone tell
   me what has to be done to make a share completely public, so that I can 
   step through and see where my permissions are bad? Generally, my solution
   is to do a "chmod a+rw --recursive" on the directory occsaionally. It
   sometimes fixes it.


3) Ok, now let's say one of the "A Machine"s is a Linux box that uses PPP to 
   hook into a secure site (behind a firewall). Let's say (oh, for example)
   that everything behind the firewall is 15.19.*.*, and the machine is 
   assigned an address for PPP that is in th 15.19 domain. What this machine
   would want to do is communicate with the PPP line for everything behind the
   firewall, and communicate with the fileserver/gateway for everything else--
   I assume requiring it to look like a diffrent IP number for each (remember,
   the Server/Gateway will be using masquerading). So the question is, how 
   can I do this and ensure that people on other machines in the network can't
   get to the 15.19 domain? Assume that I'm the only one that can log onto the
   Linux System I just described... (whew!)


4) I can't for the life of me figure out what the startup files are defined as
   or where they are defined (say, .login and .startup.x11 from my old dec 

Well, that should do it for now. Thanks for reading this far, and even more 
thanks for any answers I get.

---Mike Patterson

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